Jumat, 04 September 2015

Basic Cupcake

Haloooooo..So, today im gonna tell you about a delly cupcake which i made. Uh okay lemme introduce myself, well my name is Justine, im in a second year of univ. now, i'm majoring fashion engineering in state university in my place, yep Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Okay i think it's a bit enough, you may add my facebook (facebook.com/fatimajw) if you wanna be my friend, im openly to anyone..

Yeaaa, well back into, today i was made a cupcake from Donal Skehan *ahem, he's geogeous tho*. Yep, he's one of my favorite, good looking food and good looking man. Before this, i was tried some recipes from other but well those wasn't working on me. Finally i found a right recipe for me, yeay. You can grab the recipe on his website http://www.donalskehan.com/2015/07/strawberries-cream-cupcakes/
Well it's actually has a strawberry cream as a frosting on it, but i was a bit lazy to make haha

If you have a comment or critique or you like my post please add a comment below, i'm still new on this so yea, help me to grow :) thanks! <3



Hari ini aku bakal kasih tau soal cupcake yang ku buat hari ini. Oke, pertama aku mau kenalan dulu, namaku Justine, aku semester 3 di Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta prodi Pendidikan Teknik Busana. Kalian boleh add facebookku di facebook.com/fatimajw, aku terbuka buat temenan sama siapa aja..

Okedeh balik lagi ke cupcake, jadi aku bikin cupcake pakai resep dari Donal Skehan, dia adorable banget haha, favoritku. Sebelumnya aku udah coba beberapa resep lain tapi semua gagal alias bantat. Cobain deh resepnya di http://www.donalskehan.com/2015/07/strawberries-cream-cupcakes/ :3

Kalau ada kritik atau saran buat aku, tolong kasih komentar di bawah ya, aku masih baru nih, jadi butuh bantuan dari kalian, makasih! <3

Happy cooking everyone! xoxo